Interested in engaging local student talent?

We want to hear from you!

Our recent INWIL engagement survey is now closed, but we look forward to hearing more about your organization’s needs and how student talent can support!

Connecting Local Communities with Emerging Talent

The Interior & Northern Work Integrated Learning Coalition, a partnership between Thompson Rivers  University (TRU), the University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO), and University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC), aims to engage emerging student talent with employment opportunities that support the changing needs and development of small and medium sized organizations. Connecting with emerging talent allows employers to cost-effectively increase capacity within their organization, develop space to innovate and contribute to a future skilled workforce within the Interior and Northern regions of BC.      

What is work-integrated learning (WIL)?

Work-integrated learning is a model and process of curricular experiential education which formally and intentionally integrates a student’s academic studies within a workplace or practice setting (such as co-op work experience, internships, apprenticeships, and more). You can learn more about the nine different types of WIL by clicking here.

Help Us Shape the Future of WIL

We would love to hear your feedback on your knowledge of, and experience with, work-integrated learning (WIL) to help develop programs, partnerships, and initiatives to support the future of work-integrated learning programming.

Click the link below to connect with our team directly.

Join Us

By partnering with INWIL, your organization, members, and stakeholders will:

• Gain access to student talent from three regional institutions (TRU, UBCO & UNBC)

• Quickly identify the funding and grant support programs available

• Develop opportunities to mentor students within your industry and contribute to a future-ready workforce within our region

Have an opportunity in your organization you’re thinking about filling with student talent, or a job you would like to post? Email our team and get connected to student talent across BC.

Impact & develop student engagement opportunities.

Contact Us

Connect with the INWIL team to learn more about opportunities to bring awareness to your industry or organization, or to post an opportunity for a student.

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